Email Marketing
As far email marketing, the principal of Strategic Points, LLC has been working on sending out email for over a decade at large corporations or in start-ups. As the founder of, which went on to become the largest speed dating business in the US, email marketing was the key to the companies early success. Allowing customers to make choices as to what they want to be contacted about is critical to personalizing the experience of customers. In recent years, we have done some consulting that improves overall email marketing campaigns, in the planning and message of the email.
InfusionSoft Partner
Over the past year we have done a lot of integration and set up of Infusionsoft. What is Infusionsoft? Infusionsoft is a top third party email marketing solution. It is a lot more than just email marketing. Their third party system includes high levels of segmentation of your email list, email follow up sequences and a variety of additional tools that are great for mid-size and start-up companies. You can use it to send out an auto-responder, then a sequence 3 days later, then another email 7 days, then 10 days, then 30 days, each with its own message. This open-ended application makes it possible to stop running email campaigns and turn most of your emails into follow-up sequences.