Making Shopify Work With WordPress
Saying you are going to make WordPress Work With Shopify is one of those mysteries of 2017 in setting up a medium sized e-commerce site. You want to do both apps, but truthfully you really needed to do just one!... #Jewelry #ecommerce #website Goes Live is an excellent site for spiritual jewelry.
Jonah Berger’s Contagious Is Just That
About Contagious by Jonah Berger
business ideasBusiness ModelBusiness ModelsCompetitionCritical MassDescribe Your CustomerManagementMarket SizeNew IdeasPitch DeckStartupsStrategic Plan
5 Critical Must Answer Questions For Start-ups
After interacting with 5 different start-ups in the past month or so at all different levels, from an idea and no pitch to well funded and right at the MPV stage (not most valuable player, but Minimum Viable Product), I...
CRME-commerceEmailEmail MarketingInfusionsoftInfusionsoftInfusionsoftInfusionsoftInfusionsoft APIOnline MarketingSegmentation
Working With The Infusionsoft API
Infusionsoft API is used to extend Infusionsoft.
How To Write A Strategic Online Marketing Plan – Part 3
Part 3 – Prioritization In the Online Marketing Plan! If you are reading this article, you may want to check the first two parts here: This is the first article in the series on writing a strategic online marketing plan...
How To Write A Strategic Online Marketing Plan – Part 2
In my first article on how to write a strategic online marketing plan, I discussed some basics of the areas of online marketing you may want to consider. See the list below. What I am saying is that you should...
How To Write A Strategic Online Marketing Plan – Part 1
I was working with a client recently who had brought me in to discuss several aspects of their online marketing program. The big issues when I arrived to chat with their team was what are you doing currently and what...
2 Online Marketing Segments: Insecure Focused, Secure Unfocused
Back in 2001 I met up with Vince Gerlormine at the Association for Internet Professionals in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A few months later he asked if I could build a speed dating website for him that could run events in...