On Words: Web Linguistics
People ask me questions about this piece of technology and that piece of technology. What i am often asked, even by experts themselves, is whether this is the right term or not. This is for a technology discussion or a...
Marketing Trend: Our Decreasing Need To Remember Anything
Years ago in the not so distant past there used to be these little black books we all carried around that held in them names, addresses and phone numbers. Ah, yes we called them address books and phone books. To...
Learning is Earning
Learning is Earning are my thoughts on why you get an MBA compared with just going out and starting a business.
Why Ipad Is THE Game Changer Missing Link
If you don’t already have an Ipad, and you are wondering what all the fuss is about, and why every manufacturer of devices like HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Dell, HP/Palm and Others are falling all over themselves to make a copy…...